Chemainus Health Care Foundation
The Foundation is pleased to announce winners of the 2019 high school scholarship and bursary awards. The recipients are: Hanna Pachet, Morgan Bottomly and Samantha Price pictured here with Hiram Beaubier who presented the awards on behalf of the Foundation. Congratulations to these accomplished and motivated students.
The Foundation is part of the Community
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation continues to engage in community activities. It is a small way of saying “thank you” to all those who give so generously to improve the health services available in the area.
The Foundation won “Best Themed Entry” for its float entered into the 2019 Chemainus Parade (the theme was Old MacDonald’s Farm). The imaginative decorations were made by participants in the Adult Day Program at the Health Care Centre. Special thanks are extended to Dale, Jen, Sandi, Grayson and Sophia who did so much to make sure the float was a success!
What was accomplished and The Year ahead.
(Highlights of the Board Report to the AGM of the Chemainus Health Care Foundation May 27, 2019)
The AGM was preceded by a significant donation of $100,000.00 from the Foundation to support the development of a hospice house serving the Cowichan Valley. This ten bed unit will finally provide much needed access to end-of-life and palliative care. It should be noted that the end-of-life sanctuary at the Chemainus Health Care Centre, funded jointly by the Foundation and the Auxiliary, will continue to serve the community.
Appreciation for those who assist the Foundation:
- The management and staff at CHCC, who not only provide excellent care to residents and public, but also give the Board suggestions and supporting evidence to the requests for items and programs at CHCC
- The Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary, who work cooperatively with us to achieve more for this community and its residents
- Steeples Housing Society who provide us with space for meetings and records.
- Mr. Don Bodger of our local newspaper who has been so helpful in reporting on our activities and successes.
- Roan and Mark McMillan for setting up and overseeing our website
In 2018 the Foundation received $18,824 in cash donations, significantly down from 2017. The variability of donations highlights the challenges of budget management and long-term planning.
2018 Expenditures and Commitments
Chemainus Health Care Centre
The Foundation provided approximately $ 87,400 in support of equipment and programs for the CHCC and the Adult Day Program located at CHCC. This allowed the purchase of special equipment such as alarmed fall mats, a portable ultrasound and for a music program for Adult Day Care, as well as many other items. In addition, there were monies provided for specific requests, such as art work for the Quiet Room, and a special swivel seat for Physiotherapy.
Education and Training
The Foundation continued to support education and training opportunities for the delivery of health care.
- High School Award winners at $1500 each were: Sarah Funk, Lauraen San Jose, Kyra Horsman and Julia Peterson
- The Mature Student Award receipent of $1500 was Dakota Stevens
- Up to $2500 was put aside for CHCC staff training requests – none accessed
The Foundation continued to provide $5000 to the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society. This service provides support to all ages of caregivers, from teens to seniors.
A representative of the Foundation always participates in the laying of a wreath at the cenotaph on Remembrance Day.
A Foundation group effort enters, decorates the ADP bus and participates in the Chemainus Summerfest Parade every year, winning first prize in 2018.
The Foundation continues to have no paid staff and has been very fortunate to have the use of free meeting and storage space. There are costs for audit review, insurance, advertising, legal fees, office supplies, mailing, website, etc. The fees for our website in 2018 were: $150. The necessary new accounting software (after 12 years!) = $408.79. Other administrative costs are in line with the past five years.
- In 2018, the Foundation was successful in completing the transition process required by the new (2016) Societies Act. This process highlighted the need to continue working on our Constitution and Bylaws which leads to a significant item on tonight’s agenda under New Business. This proposal will recommend major changes to our Constitution which reflects unanimous approval from the Board. Further work over the next year will develop detailed revisions to the bylaws and policy documents. Any proposed changes will be brought forward at the next AGM for discussion and direction from the membership.
- The Memorandum of Understanding with Island Health guiding the use and operation of the Foundation’s bus, used in support of the Adult Day Program, expires this August. The possible replacement of the ADP bus will be a high priority for consideration in the 2020 budget allocation. A review of what type of bus is needed to meet the needs of the clients and staff, will be completed during this coming year and based on the input from the program. Bus replacement may involve fund raising.
- It was anticipated in last year’s report that a Memorandum of Understanding, proposed by Island Health, for all foundations would be concluded in 2018. This did not happen but work is on-going. The Foundation will review a further draft from Island Health and decide whether to sign in 2019/2020.
- It was hoped that exploratory discussions to look at modifications to the physical structures at CHCC would be further ahead. This will remain part of the Foundation’s focus this year.
$100,000.00 for Cowichan Hospice House Project
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation is pleased to provide $100,000.00 dollars in support of the Cowichan Hospice House Project. The Project is an ambitious undertaking to build a 10 bed centre that will meet the special needs of people at the end-of-life. For over 35 years Cowichan Hospice Society, through professional counsellors and trained volunteers, has provided care for people living with advancing illness and for people in grief. However, the Cowichan area is the only community of its size on Vancouver Island not to have a dedicated Hospice House. The new centre will provide a welcoming environment in which expert medical care, emotional, spiritual and practical support can be given to those facing life threatening illnesses and for their families.
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation has long been supportive of increasing end of life facilities for residents of Cowichan. In 2011 the Foundation and Chemainus Auxiliary jointly funded the construction and equipping of an end of life sanctuary at the Chemainus Health Care Centre; for several years the one room was the only such facility serving the Cowichan Valley.
“This will change with the completion of the Hospice House Project.” said Kathleen Hepburn, President of the Chemainus Health Care Foundation. “Through the generosity of our donors from this small community we know the $100,000.00 will go to fill a significant gap in the health care available in the region. The need is now and growing as the population continues to age.”
Jamie Goodman, President , Cowichan Hospice Board welcomed the donation from the Foundation noting that the Society has committed to raising $10 million dollars to open and provide whole person care. “We are getting close to the target and contributions from this community of Chemainus have been extremely important. We hope to see groundbreaking by fall, 2019 with doors opening in late 2020. We are also pleased that the end-of-life sanctuary funded those years ago at the Health Care Centre will continue to be available as hospice for special care.
Investing to improve patient services
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation is pleased to announce the recent purchase of two important pieces of equipment for the Chemainus Health Care Centre. Both will improve the service to patients using the laboratory or the Urgent Care facilities.
Improving the “waiting room experience”
The first is a digital numbered ticket system for the Lab. There is now a clear, bright, electronic display of the number of the next person to be served. In the past, it has been difficult for staff to make sure people waiting in the hallway could hear their number being called, or for people to know exactly where in the line-up for service their number was. It is hoped this new addition will prevent such misunderstandings and better inform people waiting to see the technicians.
Better diagnostics for the Community
The second purchase is a portable ultrasound for Urgent Care. This unit, which can easily be brought to the patient’s bed side, will provide the latest technology for helping to assessing soft-tissue health or injury. This will greatly assist the physicians to determine the appropriate treatment and stabilization of patients presenting in Urgent Care. It will also mean that patients can be assessed in Chemainus rather than having to travel to out of town facilities for thorough diagnosis.
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation is dedicated to improving the health facilities and services available to the residents of Chemainus and area.
End-of life care in Cowichan: a present and growing need
Cowichan Hospice is a not-for-profit society providing care for people living with advancing illness, including their families and for people in grief. This is an important part of the integrated end of life care currently provided in the community. The Chemainus Health Care Foundation, in cooperation with the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary, has funded the construction and equipping of an end-of life sanctuary at the Chemainus Health Care Centre. This one suite is simply insufficient to meet the urgent needs of residents of Cowichan. Hospice House is an important initiative by the Cowichan Hospice Society to fill this critical gap in our health care services.
Most people wish to be cared for at home at the end of their lives Unfortunately for many families, it’s not possible. The emotional and physical toll is just too much, and many people face the end of their lives without privacy or dignity in a crowded hospital room. Cowichan Hospice, staff and volunteers of the society do an amazing job of providing compassionate care, emotional support, information, and companionship to people and their families dealing with advancing illness and grief.
What we don’t have in Cowichan is a Hospice House; a place to live well at the end of life. A place to die with support, safety and dignity, in a home-like setting. A place where expert medical care is provided focused on a person’s own goals and priorities.
Cowichan Hospice needs your help. Cowichan Hospice is raising the funds to build Cowichan Hospice House. Island Health will own the facility and cover medical staffing and facility operating costs and Cowichan Hospice staff and trained volunteers will provide psycho-social care as well as practical support for patients and family members. With a goal of $10 million, to date Cowichan Hospice has raised funding and pledges of $7.35 million!
Together we can make caring easier. Open your heart to hospice. Help to build Cowichan Hospice House, a place where families can spend precious time together in a home-like setting with expert care. Together we can bring hospice beds to Cowichan and enhance care for the whole family.
Our community deserves excellent end of life care.
To learn more about Cowichan Hospice House please visit
Looking to future health care needs
As populations age one of the greatest needs of the health care system will be for well-trained staff for patient care. With an eye to the future and through your donations, the Foundation has established a Mature Student scholarship for those seeking a career in health care. This year’s recipient is Dakota Stevens pictured here with Kathleen Hepburn, President of the Foundation. Dakota will be attending the Cowichan Campus of VIU in the Health Care Assistant program commencing this fall. Congratulations Dakota!
Reproduced with the kind permission of the Chemainus Courier a division of the Black Press Group.
Goodbye Bill Taylor, Hello Mandeep Sindhi
After 12 years on the Board of Directors Bill Taylor has stepped down as Treasurer. His contribution is greatly appreciated and through his guidance he leaves the finances of the Foundation in good shape. He oversaw the annual audits of the organization, reported on the budget at each AGM and has secured good returns for the Foundation through safe investments. He remains a committed member of the Society and has remained active to guide the transition to a new treasurer.
The Board is pleased to welcome Mandeep Sindhi as its new Treasurer. Mandeep brings a rich and varied background in financial management. With this experience the Foundation can assure its donors that the funds, so generously given, will be managed to gain the maximum benefit for the health programs and services important to the residents of Chemainus and area.
Board Report to the AGM
May 28, 2018
Thank you to donors and supporters
A special thank you to the generosity of our loyal donors and to:
- the Chemainus Health Care Centre (CHCC) for professional care, commitment and advice,
- the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary for partnership and cooperation,
- Steeples for common interests and providing working space,
- The Courier and Don Bodger for interest and reporting our activities.
2017 – Donations from a generous community
In 2017 the Foundation received $117,287.64 of which $83,839.75 was from two estates. The $33,447.89 cash donations is a significant increase from the past few years; a welcome trend. Of note was a special “Caring-in-Action” donation raised by several Grade 4 Chemainus Elementary students. This ‘younger fund-raising group’ is very encouraging! (see the photo below)
2017 –Funding Community Needs
Support to the Chemainus Health Care Centre
The Foundation provided approximately $46,440 dollars for equipment and programs at the Chemainus Health Care Centre, including the Adult Day Program. These expenditures ranged from a Life Pak defibrillator ($22,000.00) for the Urgent Care unit to $3,000.00 for 8 over-bed tables. In addition, the Foundation provided $13,440.00 for music programs for Residential Care and the Adult Day Program.
Support to those giving care at home
The Foundation granted $5,000.00 to the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society. This non-profit Society assists those caring for loved ones at home, which can take the form of counselling, advocating and setting up appropriate connections for families. This service includes all caregivers, from teens to seniors.
The Foundation looks to the future of health care
A total of $4,500.00 in scholarships and bursaries was given to students graduating from Chemainus Secondary High School pursuing future studies in a health related field. A $1,500.00 grant was also given to a mature student resuming health related studies. Gabrielle Jones, Daniel Cheng and Teah Whitefield received the high school awards. The Mature Student Award was granted to Laura Kerr.
Administration costs kept low
The Board has no paid staff and all work is done by the volunteer Board.
The budget for the administration covers items such as audit review fees, insurance, advertising, legal fees, office supplies, mailing, etc.
2017 was a year of ‘review’ and ‘rebuilding’
Last May’s launch of our new website has proved to be very successful. The site aids in more widely promoting the Foundation, increasing donations and informing the community of our activities.
Reviews took place of each Director’s duties and a review of our constitution and bylaws resulted in updates to the document and other adjustments to meet the requirements of the new BC Societies Act.
The Adult Day Program (ADP) bus agreement with Island Health was extended for another year and has now been submitted for an extension for further five years. Changes to the ADP to include Ladysmith/Cedar became effective September, 2017. This allows 12 people per day to be part of this valuable program, but places a greater demand on the Foundation’s bus.
A review and adjustment to our budget management strategies in 2017 will strengthen the financial stability of the Foundation. Transparency and accountability remain a priority.
Retention of the palliative care room at the CHCC, which was funded by the Foundation and the Auxiliary, has been a clear objective of the Board for several years. A letter was received from Island Health confirming that “there will be no change to the bed at Chemainus Health Care Centre”. The Foundation is pleased that this important service will continue to be available in the community.
2018 and Looking Ahead
Clarifying priorities for 2018
Funding priority for 2018 has been placed on direct patient comfort and safety. This is reflected in approved funding for wireless sensor-fall mats for residents at risk and a special mattress for the End of Life Sanctuary. Hip protectors and gel pads that reduce injuries are among some of the other items purchased. As 2018 progresses, other requests are anticipated from CHCC management. Exploratory discussions are looking at modifications to the physical structures at CHCC that will improve comfort and safety for the residents.
Help improve end-of-life care in the region
As progress is made in the building of a Cowichan Valley Hospice House for the Region, the Foundation will look at ways to support this important initiative.
Respecting due process
The Foundation’s revised constitution will be submitted to the B.C. Registrar for Societies by the deadline in November, 2018.
Improving working relationships
There have been ongoing discussions with Island Health about a Memorandum of Understanding with the Foundation. It is anticipated that this will be concluded in 2018.

The Foundation has approved its budget for 2018. The donations you so generously entrust to the Foundation go a long way to provide things that make a real difference in the quality of health care provided in the community; it is so appreciated!
Cooperation doubles your dollars
Over $38,000.00 has been identified to supplement equipment and programs at the Chemainus Health Care Centre. The funds are to support resident and patient care and comfort and cover such things as a special mattress for the End of Life Sanctuary and wireless sensor- fall mats for residents at risk. The funding supports the popular music programs and provides hip protectors and gel pads to increase comfort and reduce injury. The cost for these items and many others is being evenly shared with the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary. The two organizations are committed to work together to make sure your dollars go further and to see that as many of the needs of the Centre as possible are met.
More to be done for 2018
Additional funds have been tentatively identified for other areas of need at the Health Care Centre. These relate to requirements in the Urgent Care Unit and modifications at the Centre to improve resident comfort and safety. Further discussions are required before specific costs are known.
Support for the young – support for the seniors
In addition to support to the Health Care Centre, the Foundation’s budget identifies funds for high school scholarship and bursary awards, the Mature Student program, health care staff training, and funding for the operations of the Foundation’s, bus used by the Adult Day Program.
We can’t forget those who give care at home.
Those residents of Chemainus giving care and comfort to loved ones at home receive some support through the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society and the Foundation will provide $5,000.00 for this important service. Some of the home care givers are only in their teens…they need our help.
A busy time for the President!
Building relations takes work
Much of the time spent between November 2017 and February 2018 has been directed to building and maintaining relations with other organizations concerned with health care in Chemainus. The objective of the Foundation in all instances is to make sure the health care needs of residents are paramount and the wishes of donors are respected.
Coordinating with the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary
Of particular importance is the relationship between the Foundation and the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary. The Auxiliary has a broader mandate than the Foundation’s but it is important that the two organization approach areas of common interest in a manner that benefits all. Discussions were directed to how the needs of the Health Care Centre could be funded for 2018.
Supporting families giving care at home
The Foundation is concerned that the needs of those who give health care support to loved ones at home are not forgotten. The Foundation provides funding to the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society to ensure the residents of Chemainus are included in these services. Through these discussions some of the needs of approximately 18 families in Chemainus are included in the work of the Society.
A Memorandum of Understanding with Island Health
Island Health has approached the Foundation seeking to capture the working relationship with the Foundation through a memorandum of understanding. Preliminary discussions have concentrated on what the advantages might be to both organizations and how common interests might be captured in the document. More work is required but progress through 2018 is expected.

Board Report to the AGM May 29, 2017
The achievements of the Board rest on the generosity of the donors.
The President thanked all those who make the work of the board possible. The work of the Foundation can only be achieved through the continued support of its many donors. The President also thanked the Steeples Housing Society for the provision of office and meeting space and the staff of the Chemainus Health Care Centre for dedicated and professional care of patients and residents. Special mention was made of the cooperative and productive working relationship between the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary and the Foundation.
The President reported that the Board had received $74,186.85 in donations for 2016 and acknowledged the continued generosity of those supporting the work of the Foundation. The President noted that donations over the past few years had declined from previous levels. This reflects the difficult economic times. Unfortunately, costs are increasing at the same time, which adds to the challenge of responding to growing needs in the health care system.
The Foundation approved approximately $82,000.00 in support of equipment and programs for the Chemainus Health Care Centre and $26,000.00 to the Adult Day Program. These funds covered such things as new over-bed tables, personal care items, secure outside fencing for the dementia wing and expanding the music program. The Steeples independent living complex received $600.00 specifically for art work for the benefit of residents.
Of special note was the expenditure of an additional $47,380.33 to replace the x-ray reader and cassettes. An amount of $50,000.00 had been set aside by the Board to meet this anticipated expense.
The Foundation awarded $6,000.00 in scholarships and bursaries to deserving graduating students from Chemainus Secondary School choosing a career path in health services. Just over $700.00 was allocated to supplement specialized training in end-of-life care for staff at the Chemainus Health Care Centre.
The Cowichan Family Caregivers Society was given $5,000.00 by the Foundation for the work it does in support of families caring for loved ones at home. Sometimes the challenge of providing such care falls on young people, some of whom are still in school.
Administrative Improvements
- A new web-site was launched in May 2016 following many hours of work by the board. Its purpose is to better inform people of the work of the Foundation and to identify the programs and activities supported.
- Major revisions to the Board’s filing system were finalized resulting in better management and recovery of important records.
- A privacy policy was developed and adopted by the Board to protect our donors and to ensure full compliance with federal and provincial legislation
Looking ahead 2017
The Board approved a budget for 2017 based on detailed discussions with staff from the Health Care Centre and the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary. The Foundation will continue to support core programs such as the music program, activities and needs, education and training as well as cost sharing operating costs of the bus. In addition, the budget will fund specific equipment purchases and the important work of the Cowichan Family Caregivers Society.
Budget management guidelines will be developed to respond to declining donations, rising costs and increased pressures on the health care system.
Your Donations at work supporting the community – Thank you!
Board Activities June to November 2017
New equipment for the emergency room
The Board approved $22,000.00 for the purchase of a new Life Pak15 for Urgent Care Unit at the Chemainus Health Care Centre. The purchase was approved following discussions with Island Health staff and in response to equipment priorities identified by local physicians. The needs of other programs in the Health Care Centre are also being identified and the final decision of support by the Foundation will likely be made early in January 2018.
Scholarships for future health care providers
Scholarships and bursaries totalling $4,500.00 were awarded to students at the graduating ceremonies in June at Chemainus Secondary School by Helen Fowler, representing the Foundation. The winners were D. Chang, G. Jones and T. Whitefield. In addition, an award of $1,500.00 was granted to Laura Kerr, under the Foundation’s Mature Student program. Recipients of these awards commit to pursuing carers in a field of health care.
New equipment to support important programs
A small fridge for the End of Life Sanctuary was purchased, as was a new microwave for the Adult Day Program. Both purchases were made in response to requirements identified to improve the comfort and well being of those using the facilities. In addition, discussions were held on the landscaping required to improve the outdoor space used by participants in the Adult Day Care Program
Bus operations for the Adult Day Program extended for another year
The agreement between the Foundation and Island Health guiding the use of the bus used by the Adult Day Care Program was extended for another year. The agreement sets out shared costs between the Foundation, which owns the bus, and Island Health who receives beneficial use. Changes to the Adult Day Program in Ladysmith will result in some adjustments to the bus schedule and of the space used at the Chemainus Health Care Centre. During the meetings with Island Health the specifications for a new specialized bus in support of the Adult Day Program were also discussed.
Administrative efficiency
On administrative matters, the Board was successful in reducing costs associated with insurance and improving returns realized on short-term bank accounts.
Keeping an eye on the future
A meeting of the different health care foundations operating on Vancouver Island was attended by the President, Kathleen Hepburn. In addition, discussions about possible changes to some of Island Health’s programs and priorities were held between the President and local officials of Island Health.
on October 5, 2016:
My name is Linda Knight and I am one of the technologists that work in the xray department at Chemainus Health Care Center.
First off – Thank you for all your support of all services here at the Chemainus Health Care Center and for all your past support specifically in the Xray Department. There is such community support for this Health Center and I am thankful to be a part of serving this great community.
It has been a busy summer here and I wanted to thank you for your most recent financial support which allowed for the replacement of the Computed radiography unit here at the Chemainus Xray department.
This past spring the new FUJI x-ray reader was installed. This unit is an important component of the equipment involved in digitally processing the images taken in the Chemainus X-ray department. The prior unit was aging and the new unit will allow for continued uninterrupted service for many years to come. It has already been put to good use and processed a lot of images since installation.
Once again – thank you so much from all of the Management and all the Medical Radiation Technologists at Chemainus Health Care Center.
Chemainus Health Care Foundation
Twenty-five years (1988-2013) of service
and more to come
The Chemainus Health Care Foundation has just celebrated a quarter century of service on behalf of residents of Chemainus and district. The Foundation is made up of a broad membership and supported by the generosity of the community at large. The majority of funds come from ‘in memoriam’ or ‘bequest’ gifts and since its formation the Foundation has been the recipient of approximately $2 million dollars donated in support of health care services. The Foundation’s activities are guided by an all volunteer, nine-member board. The primary focus is to support and improve health-care facilities, programs and services located in and available to Chemainus.
The Foundation supports a number of health related activities that range from a bursary and scholarship program for students pursing advanced education in health, to program funding in support of family care-givers, caring for loved ones under difficult circumstances. Some of the major accomplishments over the years have included, land purchase and significant funding grants for the construction of an independent living complex for those requiring some assistance, the donation of a multi-passenger bus to support the Adult Day Care Program, the purchase of a new X-ray machine for the Urgent Care centre and, in partnership with the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary, the construction and equipping of a palliative care suite at the Chemainus Health Care Centre. The Foundation has donated approximately 1.2 million dollars for the purchase of equipment in support of extended care residents of the Centre. In addition, the Foundation has made important financial contributions to the Cowichan District Hospital, which is the acute care facility for the region.
Looking forward to the next 25 years the Foundation has recognized the importance of continued communications with Island Health and of strengthening its coordination with other community based funding organizations. In addition, the Foundation is considering the future funding challenges introduced by new standards, limited budgets and more complex care needs brought on by local population dynamics. On-going support and encouragement for those pursuing a career in health care will be required to help meet the future need for well qualified staff and considerable investment will also be needed for up-grading and replacing equipment at the local health centre. The Foundation has made a significant contribution to these in the past and will continue to do so.
In other areas, of particular interest are the challenges of an aging population and the strain this places on families, care givers and public institutions. The Foundation is reviewing the needs of the Adult Day Care program and the facilities needed in support of those dealing with dementia. In addition, the Foundation is aware of the opportunities for investments that could increase service efficiency and greatly assist in patient care, such as electronic medical records and innovations such as telehealth.
Whatever challenges and opportunities the next 25 years present, the core mission of the Foundation will remain focused on the wellbeing and health of the residents of Chemainus and district. The past generosity of the community speaks well for the future.